Wednesday, December 29, 2010
It's been a while but I am back
Monday, November 1, 2010
yourself in a relationship with a “nice guy”? He’s kind, sensitive,
not a game-player or emotionally manipulative, but he just doesn’t “do
it” for you.
Perhaps you’ve decided you’re more into “bad boys,” or maybe you’re
just bored, but for whatever reason you want to get out of the
relationship. Breaking up with a nice guy takes a little more
The traditional advice holds true: A telephone call generally isn’t
appropriate (unless it’s long-distance, or other circumstances demand
it). An email isn’t any nicer, and a text message is inexcusable. The
only nice way is in person.
Arrange a time to see him so that you can tell him how you feel. Once
you’re together, it’s best to say what’s on your mind sooner rather
than later. You don’t want to have to fake your feelings or pretend
that everything is OK.
There’s no easy way to let him know. The words you’ll say will depend
on the exact reason you want to leave, but let him know that he
deserves someone who wants to be with him with all her heart…but right
now that person isn’t you.
This may be difficult for him to hear. On the other hand, he may have
felt the same, but because he is a nice guy, he didn’t have the heart
to tell you. If you’re really lucky, he’ll be relieved, and you can
relax and start on a journey towards “just-friendship.”
Of course, he may be crushed and feel horrible. Tell him how sorry you
are to cause him any pain. If he tells you how much he loves you, ask
him if he would be happy with someone who didn’t love him equally. The
only reasonable answer is “no.”
Most nice guys are great, but for others it’s just a mask behind which
they can manipulate people. Watch out for emotional manipulation:
attempts to elicit pity, accusations of cruelty and selfishness, or
other similar behavior. You can cut him some slack because of his
pain, but be careful of taking him back out of sympathy.
If you’re overcome with guilt, relax: We all sign up for the
possibility of heartbreak when we enter a relationship. You owe him
your honesty, compassion and kindness. You don’t owe him another
chance, sex, or anything else that you don’t want.
Finally, remember to be cautious about pursuing a friendship – give
him a proper amount of time to recover (which will vary depending on
the length of the relationship). Here’s a good test: If you think
he’d feel bad when hearing about your new boyfriend, you shouldn’t be
Monday, October 4, 2010
Happy Birthday Hard Rock!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Wilfred Owen
You know being an English lit major in I got to indulge in poetry and Emily Dickinson was a favourite among my many female English Lit. friends, but of course yours truly, needed some blood and gore and a bit more drama....always more drama. In fact, that should be my motto. Anyway, in looking at the many great poets of all time, I stumbled on a British poet who was also a soldier in the first world war. His poems are often, gruesome and grey but they are powerful and very emotional pieces. Although I think it is unjust to categorise his poetry, he is often known as a war poet... His poetry moved me as a teenager and continues to be a great source of inspiration for me in my life. Since I felt such a connection to him, I wanted to share on of my favourite poems with you....
Greater Love
Red lips are not so red
As the stained stones kissed by the English dead.
Kindness of wooed and wooerSeems shame to their love pure.
O Love, your eyes lose lureWhen I behold eyes blinded in my stead!
Your slender attitudeTrembles not exquisite like limbs knife-skewed,
Rolling and rolling thereWhere God seems not to care:
Till the fierce love they bearCramps them in death’s extreme decrepitude.
Your voice sings not so soft,—
Though even as wind murmuring through raftered loft,—
Your dear voice is not dear,
Gentle, and evening clear,
As theirs whom none now hear,
Now earth has stopped their piteous mouths that coughed.
Heart, you were never hot
Nor large, nor full like hearts made great with shot;
And though your hand be pale,
Paler are all which trail
Your cross through flame and hail:
Weep, you may weep, for you may touch them not.
-Wilfred Owen-
Too much?
Monday, September 6, 2010
Cashing in on Your Misfortune: Turn Your Frown Upside Down
Recently I wrote about Eat, Pray Love…I seemed to have missed the point completely. Although I wasn’t particularly impressed with the book and the movie is supposedly even worst. Here is a woman who has turned her divorce, a crippling experience for most into a New York Times Bestseller. She has turned her inability to hang on to a union made before God and man and turned into an adventure to foreign countries, sampling food, spirituality and romance. She didn’t sit around mope and cry over her spilt milk, she made it into a Hollywood hit! So now I look at Elizabeth Gilbert through new eyes. I heard of a man here in Malaysia, who was so moved by the tsunami that hit Asia in 2004 that he traveled to all the countries hit by the raging waters and made a moving documentary of the people and their lives after the storm. He is now immortalized in the hearts of the people that he encountered and the people that he has touched through his film. While another radio personality who survived the tsunami in Sri Lanka and went back a year later to help the people there. She looks at life in a way that most people could only dream about, she is fearless.
So what have I learned about life’s tragedy, that some people handle it much better than others. Some people can cash in on it while other grabs life by the horns…make it almost seem silly for all that crying fussing now but I am gonna try it…the next time something bad happens… I am gonna turn it around…How? You will just have to wait and see.
Sticks and Stones Will Break Your Bones & Words WILL Hurt You
1. Take a timeout from the person that I am angry with
2. Deep breaths and calm myself before I even utter a word
3. Write, I have always loved writing and this would be an interesting entry to my dairy ;)
4. When I do discuss the matter, use “I” words like “I feel” instead if “You did” and “You are” and “You always”
5. If possible use humor to diffuse the situation, but if not done correctly… this could backfire so I use step 5 with caution.
I never want to see the hurt I caused recently when my tongue went on a rampage after I had lost my cool. So I hope the Mayo Clinic knows what they’re talking about when it comes to Anger Management. I will let you know if it works…
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
My weapons in the warfare of marriage (If that day ever comes….)
(And if you wondering, yes my boyfriend has been talking aboutmarriage and yes I am freaked out!)
Simply named it gives you practicalsolutions to intimate problems in a marriage that you would normallybe afraid to talk about. The website has articles and videos that takeyou through the nitty gritty issues that we Asians shy from. Theseissues however are crucial to a successful marriage and I for one, amnot ashamed to admit that probably 20 years into a relationship withMr. Right, might make you look at him as Mr Write-Off. So yes, if itmeans I have to intellectualize something that came naturally before,so be it.
The next tool I came across was a book from John Gottman titled TheSeven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from theCountry's Foremost Relationship Expert. If you ask me, the title isway too long for it to be memorable, but it’s a great book. In thisNew York Times bestseller, the author shatters the common myth ofcommunication being the key to a healthy marriage. Thank goodness,someone had the common sense to come up with this conclusion. Nomatter how much we would like to believe it, sometimes talking tothings out only makes matters worst. So the gist of it is to find asolution that is workable for
My third and final tool is observation, I have the privilege of havinga lot of married friends and although I might not want to confide inthem all the time… I do think observing the dynamics of therelationship between man and wife and trying to apply some positivebehaivours like being your partner’s biggest cheerleaders or justbeing a listening ear without trying to fix the problem goes a longway.
3 tools for a lifetime of challenges, what do you think? Do I have a chance?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Eat Pray Love
In 2007 my close friend Ruby gave me a book as a going away present. (She was the one going away, mind you and I got a present, don't you love my friends!) The title of the book was Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. It's story about one woman's self-discovery. She recently got a divorce and decided that she wanted to find herself again...she travels the world picking the brains of the people she meets and tries to open herself up to new and very different experiences. Her travels take her to 3 places, Italy, India and Indonesia. I can't say that it was the best book that I have read but I took something away from it like I do most books.
Sometime last year, I heard that they were planning to make a movie from the book and Julia Roberts was to star in it. Now the movie is out in the US and it has all these women talking about the meaning of it. I didn't realise what a great marketing gimmick this would be cause when you get a word of mouth publicity about a movie that is meant to be appeal to more intellectual, you really don't need much else before people start flocking into what i would guess to be a less than mediocre film.
The trailer for the movie :
Maybe it would mean more to Americans since a lot of them don't travel outside of their own borders and the mystical Asian ways are all very new to them but looking at it from an Asian perspective and having done my fair share of travels and diary entries.... What I want to know is, what's the big deal?
What a load of....
Monday's child is fair of face;
Tuesday's child is full of grace;
Wednesday's child is full of woe;
Thursday's child has far to go;
Friday's child is loving and giving;
Saturday's child works hard for a living.
But the child that is born on the Sabbath day
is fair and wise, good and gay.
I am born on a Tuesday and if you know me, I am far from graceful unless they mean that there is a little woman by the name of Grace living inside of me and somehow I imagine her getting bigger by the day (think I just scared myself). Although, I did admit that there are varying degrees of superstitions so although I think that a lot of the superstitions are a load of crock... I have superstitions of my own.
When it comes to my own pantangs, well let's say I never go out with people who are overly-suspicious! :)
Monday, August 16, 2010
My baby!!
We got to see Richard from Bungy Malaysia again, the first time I met him was the Red FM Breakfast Birthday Bash. He was so bubbly and great to be around that it was hard to forget him. Meeting him again cheered me up a little but it was a temporary distraction...the nerves started to set again and I can distinctively remember saying that I did want to be one of the last to jump (but I was). Soon enough it was my turn and low and behold, I am standing at the edge of the platform ready to jump. 5,4,3,2,1...Bungeeeee!!!
What a rush! It was one of the most free-ing experience ever. I think its funny I use the term free-ing cause my love-handles were apparently freed as well.
Now I can look back and laugh at the whole experience and I am really glad the morning guys made us do it. Cause I don't think I would have had the cahoonas to have done it myself. So thanks guys! I owe ya and thanks Bungy fear down, a million more to overcome and you can bet your bottom dollar I am going to blog about it
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Now what?
That being said, the sad fact is that he can't say the same thing. I have no time for him and between family commitments, work, my girls, my dog and the million other things that I need to juggle...I just can't seem to find the time to truly show him how much I care. So this blog entry is a cry for help! How do you juggle it all? What should I do? I don't want him to think that he is second-fiddle to everyone and everything else. But at the same time I don't want to neglect my responsibilities to my loved ones. What am I to do?
Femme City 2010
Photos of the festivities:
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Pacho and me
When It Rains It Pours
So here's an ode to everyone who has helped me through my hard times:
We all have a cherished garden we tend -
It is planted with love of family and friends.
The memories and dreams we treasure and share
Are like beautiful roses found blooming there.
The comfort and care on which we depend
Is given with love between family and friends.
The sunshine of laughter and rain of a tear
Only make our love grow with each passing year.
We may all be ourselves with no need to pretend
Because of the love of family and friends;
They notice the rainbows and weather the showers.
They overlook weeds and praise all our flowers.
The most valuable thing is the time that we spend
Tending this garden with family and friends.
When counting our blessings, we know from the start
That family and friends come first in our heart.
© Jill Wolf
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
My Brother's Big Day
He married this angel who I now call my sister-in-law. This was one wedding that I really didn't have to do much. You wouldn't believe how relieved I was to know I wasn't emceeing it. Except that I had to give a speech as the Maid of Honour and what an honour indeed.
Since weddings warm my heart I thought I would share that moment with you and hopefully it will spread the warm and fuzzies to you too.
My beautiful sis-in-law, Cindy
The girls getting ready
Shereen, one of my best friends (She helped so much at the wedding)
Fast forward - Cake Cutting
My darlings from Red FM, there to support (Nick, Shareena, Mary, Terry and Aly)
Aly was our emcee that night! She did a fantastic job and made my mum her fan
Their first dance
My beautiful family
My brother-in-law and Cindy's cousins
Me and the sister I have always wanted
You should know better...well we don't
Good thing the man that I have met is patient, sweet and willing to give in even when he knows he is right.
Every time I talk to my girlfriends and hear them complain about their boyfriends, they have the same complaints as mine boyfriend does about me. When I try to explain to them that this is simply the way we are. They get upset with me. But let me tell you something ladies and some gentlemen... you want us to be sensitive enough to know what you want without you telling us, yet when we get it wrong again you get angry. Its a lose-lose situation, there is simply no winning with that one. So do me a favour... don't expect, explain. Even if it seems like we should know by now, just humour us and say it anyway. Is it really that hard to do?
Monday, July 12, 2010
Summer Fest @ Hard Rock Penang
But I have to say the highlight of the whole event was Zainal Abidin, he is an amazing performer and a true professional. Here are some photos I thought I would share.....
These two boys are amazing talents, they play several instruments and they play it well!
Tommy Ong, the man who made it all possible in Hard Rock Penang
Terry enjoying his cocktail on a hot afternoon
Hydra, one of my favourite bands! They are soooo good!
Last but certainly not least, Zainal Abidin...the best part of SummerFest!
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Legend Is True
Naturally when you have no money, you use all the available resources to help you out. So I recently went to EPF, to withdraw some money under the first home scheme. Now I had heard some nightmare stories of people returning to the office, time and time again because they got the documentation for the application process wrong. So this is what I did to avoid the much-talked about nightmare reoccurring in my circumstance, I went online to see what I needed. Then, I double-checked with an EPF officer before getting everything I needed. I thought that I would be one of the few people that would walk out of the EPF office without having to return.
So I get all my papers in order, photocopy everything that is needed plus I bring all the original copies then I even double-check with the checklist. I go to the "Semakan Dokumen" Counter and wait with baited breath....."Pleease tell me I don't have to come back and I have everything I need." ..... Success!! The man at the counter tells me what I want to hear. I go to the other counter just to hand in my papers.... "Yay! I am out of the woods!!" Or so I think.....
The lady at the counter tells me that my developer's lawyers have to have their company stamp on the S&P agreement and my application would be rejected without it. So now I have to see the lawyers and get both copies stamped. I was not the first to get my application through without a hiccup. I was not the one to claim victory over the EPF application. I was not to the one to make history among everyone I knew.
Legend has it, no one ever will!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Love Has Funny Way
I first fell in love with a man when I was 23. I went out with him for 4 years and thought that I was going to end up marrying him but he wanted something different. After that I never thought that I would end up getting married, quite frankly I gave up on the idea of it. Plus the experiences that some of my married friends were going through, honestly made me believe that marriage is simply not for me. Resigned to the idea that I would be one of those people that most people would wonder about, I went about my life quite happily...if there someone there to share special moments then great, but if not I wasn't going to cry about it. I learnt to enjoy my own company and to be frank, I haven't found someone that I truly enjoy being around with as much.
But life has a way of throwing you curve balls and recently I have been looking at life a little differently. Am I going to end up someone's Mrs after all? We'll see how this one goes. Will keep you posted :)
Friday, June 11, 2010
How Do You Know That You're in Love?
However for me, love is not thinking about your boyfriend/girlfriend all the time. Love is not the butterflies in your stomach when you see that special someone. Love is not chocolates, flowers and surprise gifts, that my friend, is infatuation. Love happens when you get passed that stage. Its the patience you have for someone even when you know you've seen this happen a million times and instead of saying "I told you so", you say "Its gonna be alright." Its the strength you show when you know you should be at your weakest. Its being there for them even when you hate seeing what's going on. Its sticking through the hard times while being thankful for the easy ones. Its the knowledge that love doesn't fade without you allowing it to happen. Its working at it and never giving up. Finally true love is letting someone go even when all you want is for them to be yours forever and trusting that if it was meant to be they will come back to you......eventually.
Monday, May 17, 2010
How Can We Be Lovers?
Monday, April 26, 2010
So far so good
So by now I think everyone knows that I starting a brand new relationship and I must say it is going rather well. (Hope I don't jinx it!)
I met his mother for the first time yesterday. There were no awkward silences cause American Idol was playing in the background, so every time we had nothing to say to one another we would comment about the contestants and how well they were doing in the show. We also discussed about the future of American Idol contestants, we both agreed that without Simon Cowell the show will be useless.
But enough of American Idol, I also met his sister. She is so sweet, I could seriously see myself getting comfortable in this family (mind you it hasn't been 2 months).
I blame it on the age, I think when I date now... I am thinking about the whole package. I am still a little afraid of commitment but I have to admit in this relationship, (if it keep going the way it is now) it won't be hard for me to get over it.
Will keep you posted :)
Monday, April 19, 2010
Man, this one will make you laugh out LOUD!!
Subject: Letter from India
My dear Jagjit,
I am in a well here and hoping you are also in a well there. I'm
writing this letter slowly, because I know you cannot read fast.
We are not living where we did when you left home. Your dad read
in the newspaper that most accidents happen 20 miles from home,
so we moved 20 miles.
I am not able to send the address, as the last Sardar who stayed
here took the house numbers with them for their new house so
they would not have to change their address. Hopefully by next
week we will be able to take our earlier address plate here, and
that our address will remain same too.
This place is really nice. It even has a washing machine,
situated right above the toilet. But I'm not sure it works too
well. Last week I put in 3 shirts, pulled the chain, and haven't
seen them since.
The weather here isn't too bad. It rained only twice last
week. The first time it rained for 3 days and second time for 4 days.
The coat you wanted me to send you, your Aunt said it would be
a little too heavy to send in the mail with all the metal
buttons, so we cut them off and put them in the pocket.
Your father has another job. He has 500 men under him. He is
cutting the grass at the cemetery.
By the way, I took Bahu (daughter-in-law) to our club's poolside. The manager is
Badmash. He told her that two piece swimming suit is not allowed
in his club.
We were confused as to which piece we should remove?
Your sister had a baby this morning. I haven't found out whether
it is a girl or a boy, so I don't know whether you are an Aunt
or Uncle.
Your uncle, Jetinder fell in the nearby well. Some men tried to
pull him out, but he fought them off bravely and drowned. We
cremated him and he burned for three days.
Your best friend, Balwinder, is no more. He died trying to
fulfill his father's last wishes. His father had wished to be
buried in the sea after he died. And your friend died while in
the process of digging a grave for his father.
There isn't much more news this time. Nothing much has happened.
I realized, I had already sealed off this letter.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Red FM's Skool Daze Earth Hour Party in Penang
Throughout the night we (JD, Dilly and I) gave out fun facts about Earth hour ( prepared by Adrian, our angel behind the scenes). Lights turned off at 8:30pm and the party started heating up... We laughed, we gave out prizes including a Revelation Rewards holiday package worth RM30,000. Not to mention, music from yesteryear to bring back some great memories. Man, it was great time!! I can't wait to party in Penang again. Thanks Penang I had a blast!

JD charming the ladies

Some listeners were dressed to kill!

My new found friends

The games were laugh out loud fun!

Man, we had a great time!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
They Got Me Good
Check out the latest 40 Minute Forfeits Video
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
But there are some days where I find it hard to even crack a smile and for those days I rely on the internet. I have been scouring the world wide web and have come up with a few sites that help me on grey days and if you need a pick me up I would suggest:
1. The Fail Blog is a site that highlights the common stupidity of man. A good lesson on how you need to be able to laugh at yourself and others when you do or come up with something stupid.
2. The Darwin Awards is a site dedicated to those who improve our gene accidentally removing themselves from it.
3. A Lady with a Wicked Sense of Humour
Let me know if you have favourites, always looking for more great sites.