Monday, August 16, 2010


I think I have mentioned this a million times, but I can't say it enough, I am afraid of heights. Every time I have to climb a ladder to some dusting, I fear for my life. (I know, I am a drama queen). Anyway.... the Red FM Breakfast Show decided that it would be fun for all the announcers to bungee jump and even surprised Hazim(our weekend jock) that he would have to jump at the last minute... so we get to Sunway Lagoon and my heart is beating so hard it feels like its gonna fly out of my chest. All our lovely listeners arrive shortly to support us and we're off. Next thing I know we're on the bridge being weighed in like animals just before the slaughter. I was the meatiest so if we were being slaughtered I would be prime-cut...but I digress.

We got to see Richard from Bungy Malaysia again, the first time I met him was the Red FM Breakfast Birthday Bash. He was so bubbly and great to be around that it was hard to forget him. Meeting him again cheered me up a little but it was a temporary distraction...the nerves started to set again and I can distinctively remember saying that I did want to be one of the last to jump (but I was). Soon enough it was my turn and low and behold, I am standing at the edge of the platform ready to jump. 5,4,3,2,1...Bungeeeee!!!

What a rush! It was one of the most free-ing experience ever. I think its funny I use the term free-ing cause my love-handles were apparently freed as well.

Now I can look back and laugh at the whole experience and I am really glad the morning guys made us do it. Cause I don't think I would have had the cahoonas to have done it myself. So thanks guys! I owe ya and thanks Bungy fear down, a million more to overcome and you can bet your bottom dollar I am going to blog about it

The money bungee shot! (Thanks Dalbir)

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