Wednesday, July 21, 2010

You should know better...well we don't

I have been getting complaints from my significant other that I am a lot like a guy. I am a little too relaxed when it comes to dealing with relationship issues. I am not really fussed about shopping and going for movies. Instead I am obsessed about going to the gym, eating way more than i should and salvaging an ego that is way too big for my own good.

Good thing the man that I have met is patient, sweet and willing to give in even when he knows he is right.

Every time I talk to my girlfriends and hear them complain about their boyfriends, they have the same complaints as mine boyfriend does about me. When I try to explain to them that this is simply the way we are. They get upset with me. But let me tell you something ladies and some gentlemen... you want us to be sensitive enough to know what you want without you telling us, yet when we get it wrong again you get angry. Its a lose-lose situation, there is simply no winning with that one. So do me a favour... don't expect, explain. Even if it seems like we should know by now, just humour us and say it anyway. Is it really that hard to do?


  1. Ur boyfren's lucky, most men i know want their gfs to be a bit more like a man... a lil less sensitive and a lil more relaxed wit r'ship issues...

  2. ...i hope he reads this :) Thanks for the compliment
