So believe it or not, I have started a brand new adventure in Frost & Sullivan. It's your typical 9am-6pm type job. I am handling Corporate Communications for Malaysia which is mad for me cause I have never taken myself that seriously, let alone have others look at me like some kind of competent professional.
I have an amazing boss, my colleagues are really pleasant and there is no hard and fast rule here at Frost. I would love to tell you that I welcome the stability but it does take some getting use to. I would love to tell you that now that I could actually anticipate what I could do in a day that my life is ticking like clockwork.I'd like to tell you that life is grand!!!
But I miss radio :(
I know that this too is temporary and that soon enough another adventure is bound my way. So till then, I shall sit tight... keep my fingers crossed and hope I don't do some irreparable damage at Frost :)
Good luck Nisha!!!