Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More to this Life

I don't know where I heard this song, but I can't get it out of my head. The lyrics go a little something like this;

"But there's more to this life, then living and dying. More than just trying to make it through the day.
More to this life, more than these eyes alone can see and there's more to this life alone can be.So where do we start, to find every part of what makes this life complete...

Then I started thinking of the lyrics and realised that we all get to a point where all of us ask this same question(the one in the lyrics). I know people who bury themselves in books to search for the answer while others pray, some even go out and do something outside of their comfort zone. But what I want to know is do we go through our lives wanting more. Cause we all know once we reach the goals we aim for, we find new ones to achieve. So here is my challenge to you... be happy despite goals and challenges, be kind no matter what a big A-hole someone else can, be helpful even when time constraints don't allow you to be as generous as you would like to be and more often than not, you will look back and realise that your life is complete :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. We cannot control this life or the results of our work. The most important thing is to do our best to improve ourselves and help people around us. This will make us happy due to the happiness introduced to others heart when they got our help, and due to the feeling that we are working as one team without greedness. Then when we die we feel that we have done something valuable in this life which diffrentiate humans from other beings.
